A Mobile Website Redesign

Cosme Hunt

About the Company

Cosme Hunt is a Japanese beauty and skincare e-commerce with the goal to spread the simplistic steps and gentle ingredients in Japanese skincare

💻My Role

Product, UX & UI Designer

UX Researcher


Jan 2021 - Jun 2021


Other designers, stakeholders, developer

Why Do We Need This


  • bring trending and innovative Japanese skincare and beauty to the US market

  • enhance business outlook and revenue


User Experience

  • Users are primarily on the mobile site (60%)

  • User are not reaching the product displaying page (10%)

  • High bounce rate from product page (56%)

  • There is a low conversion rate (0.02%)

Background Research

After gaining an understanding of the website's performance, we conducted user research using a combination of quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews to gather feedback from our target users and actual users.

[43 User Surveys]

[ 6 User Interviews]




Some changes were made from the initial ideation:

  1. The Q&A section, although helpful, cannot be completed due to technical limitations.

  2. The ratings were made more compact, and the actual reviews were emphasized.

  3. Added Sort and Filters to the Reviews

  4. The Call to Action buttons in Product Cards were removed to reduce clutter.

  5. The number of highlights in each section was limited to three to reduce clutter.

Design System

Final Prototype

Core Features

Skin Type & Highlights

Our design strategy aimed to provide clear and concise information for informed decision-making on the product displaying pages.

We incorporated product suitability, key benefits, and playful icons for user engagement.

Emphasizing product uses and benefits was crucial for our unfamiliar target audience, and validated by multiple user testing rounds. Fixed "Add to Bag" and "Skip to Top" buttons improved usability.

Filter & Sort By for Reviews

One of the most significant modifications in the redesign is the inclusion of a comprehensive review section. Our user research indicated that users place significant importance on product reviews when making purchasing decisions.

By incorporating this feature, we aim to facilitate better user engagement and promote a sense of community within the platform.

Brand Ambassadors

To address the lack of product reviews and to help potential buyers make informed decisions, the "Cosme Hunt Ambassadors Looks" feature was introduced. This feature adds an element of relatability and is expected to capture users' attention.

Other Features

Out of Stock Alerts

A key consideration is to enhance the user journey and eliminate any potential roadblocks to ensure a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience.

A recurring issue noted was the unavailability of certain products on the platform, which can detract from the overall user experience.

To address this, we have implemented a "Get Notified" option for users, allowing them to be informed when the product becomes available again.

Enhanced Product Exposure

The implementation of the features "Shop Similar" and "More from this Brand" is aimed at enhancing the transparency of the website and building user trust in the brand and its products. Our primary focus is the mobile website, where there is a limited screen real estate.

To achieve this, we have incorporated carousels in certain areas to effectively balance information with a reduced clutter. This design approach aligns with industry standards, providing a familiar and intuitive experience for users.

Add to Bag Experience

The user experience of the bag has been improved, with clear visibility of items added.

As a part of our effort to enhance the e-commerce experience on Cosme Hunt, we implemented complementary products, with the aim of increasing potential sales.

To further cater to user needs, we have also introduced a "favorites" list, enabling users to easily keep track of and make future purchases of products they have shown interest in.

Take Aways


The selection of appropriate research methodologies is critical in the planning stage of the project, and a combination of qualitative and quantitative data can provide deeper insights for effective user interviews.

Background Research

A thorough understanding of target users and tailored user interviews guided our design decisions towards a user-centric approach. Integrating both quantitative and qualitative data allowed us to gain comprehensive insights into user feedback and preferences, informing the design process.


Continuous iteration and refinement through multiple rounds of feedback from stakeholders, including users, team members, and the company, ensure the completeness of the design. Effective communication with relevant teams, such as the graphic design team, is essential for achieving a polished final product.

See more of my work: